Chi siamo

INCOSE Italia è il nome del Capitolo italiano dell' "International Council on Systems Engineering" (
L’attenzione al “systems engineering” è andata rapidamente crescendo in Italia negli ultimi anni, sia nel settore privato che in quello pubblico.
L’industria dell’aerospazio e della difesa, che ha una lunga tradizione in Italia, è particolarmente interessata al “systems engineering”. La crescente complessità dei sistemi, la rapida evoluzione delle tecnologie e le sfide della net-centricità e dei “sistemi di sistemi” richiedono un approccio olistico e metodologicamente strutturato.
Anche industrie ed aziende fornitrici di servizi in ambito civile sentono la necessità di un approccio sistematico al progetto architetturale ed allo sviluppo di sistemi futuri.
Il Capitolo italiano è stato molto attivo negli ultimi quattro anni, organizzando seminari e corsi introduttivi su numerosi temi: la gestione dei requisiti, il “systems architecting”, gli “architectural frameworks”, il SysML, la sicurezza dei sistemi ed altri.
Inoltre, abbiamo stabilito buone relazioni con istituzioni accademiche, che hanno permesso l’organizzazione di corsi sul “systems engineering” nell’ambito dei programmi di Master post-universitari.

domenica 30 giugno 2013

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venerdì 14 giugno 2013

Model Based pillar of Systems Engineering

Incose Italia e CRIT research Center vi invitano all’evento:
Model Based pillar of Systems Engineering
Venerdì 5 Luglio 2013, 9-12
presso CRIT Research™
Via Confine, 2310 - 41058 Vignola (MO)
Market uncertainties, organizational changes, faster technological innovation, user needs expectations and requirements volatility affect products development times and costs and their life-time success.
Effective and focused systems modelling is one of the systems engineering winning factors for predictable budget and planning containment as well as to maintain the long-term value at the expected levels.
This short seminar deals with different aspects of the Model Based Systems Engineering during the entire system life-cycle. The role and tasks of the systems engineer is proposed for the highlighted methodologies, in special way for the quantitative evaluations of the systems architectures.
- “Incose Italia and the relevance of MBSE” Leardi Carlo, TPPS/Incose Italia
- “MBSE overview and prospects” by Maximilian Kissel, Technical University of Munich
- “MBSE support for Data Model definition of critical infrastructure security” Lucio Tirone Aster/Incose Italia
- “Adaptable architectures, the AMISA research project” by Pietro Tarantino TPPS
- Round table, exhibition and poster session.
Kissel Maximilian: Maximilian Kissel is Researcher at the Institute of Product Development at the Technical University Munich. His research interests cover the fields of Systems Engineering, Product Architecture Design and Design for Changeability. He is working with Tetra Pak for more than 2 years in the EU-project AMISA – Architecting Manufacturing Industries and Systems for Adaptability.
Leardi Carlo: Carlo Leardi operates as advisor level A in Tetra Pak Systems Engineering organization. His experience in SE starts formally from 2002 and evolves through the application of quantitative SE methodologies and specific research activity in the Verification Validation and Testing, Statistical Risk Analysis and Architectures Design. He published several articles and contributed to text books in the SE field. He holds a Laurea Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Genova. He has operated into the automotive filed and covered the role of quality management in the freight railway business. He was one of the founders of the Italia Chapter of INCOSE, and served as its President.
Tarantino Pietro: has a Ph.D. in Total Quality Management from the University of Naples “Federico II”. He is currently an Expert Advisor for Tetra Pak, working in the field of Engineering Statistics and Systems Engineering. Previously, he worked as an external researcher of the University of Palermo (Italy) in European and National projects in the field of marketing research and statistics for product development.  He has participated in the European Master program in Total Quality Management at the Institute of Technology of Linköping University (Sweden) and he has collaborated with the Industrial Statistics Research Unit of Newcastle in the fild of Six Sigma Quality. He is author of more than twenty international publications in the field of engineering statistics and quality engineering.
Tirone Lucio   Lucio Tirone is co-founder and Engineering Manager at Aster S.p.A. Starting from a background in software based electromagnetics, he grew a field expertise of over 15 years in Systems Engineering activities related to large technological projects in the Defense, Aerospace and Transport sectors. He is a Certified Systems Engineering Professional, and vice-president of Chapter Italia of INCOSE, participates in several working groups related to the protection of Critical Infrastructures (AIIC, the Italian Association of Experts in Critical Infrastructures, and ERNCIP, the European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructures Protection), and is a founding member of the Italian chapter of TIEMS (The International Emergency Management Society).

L’evento è gratuito con iscrizione obbligatoria vi invitiamo a contattarci (telefonicamente o via e-mail all’indirizzo: per ottenere maggiori informazioni sull'evento.


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